The 10 Stages of Studying for an Exam

Step 1: Firstly you contemplate starting to revise, but in reality end up procrastinating for 4 hours watching pointless videos on YouTube that have absolutely no impact on your life or your studying.

 Step 2: After this you finally force yourself to get offline and start revising.

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Step 3: Next you spend at least 20 minutes trying to find your prettiest stationary, because if you have to revise it might as well look nice.

Step 4: After this you open up the appropriate textbooks for your subject and start reading because you might as well get it over with so you can get back to your procrastinating.

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Step 5: Highlight everything you don’t understand (basically everything)

Step 6: Get bored after 5 minutes so decide to procastinate some more and make a study time schedule

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Step 7: Listen to sad music and cry because you realise there’s never gonna be enough time to learn all of this.

Step 8: Hate on society and everyone in it because you realise you shouldn’t be put under so much pressure.

Step 9: Hate on yourself because you realise your dumb, know nothing and never will.

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Step 10: Realise you’ve just wasted another day and accept that you’re gonna fail your exams.

This is definantly me when studying for exams and I hope it was relatable for you too,  good luck to everyone doing their exams at the moment !

Until next time

Flying off

The Girl with the Witches Hat

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