May Favourites

Every month I’ll be posting these favourites but instead of listing off things I’ll be doing a bunch of different categories, where I’ll pick my favourite for each. So here are the products and things I’ve been enjoying this month:

Favourite makeup item of the month:

The Urban decay Naked 2 pallet. I’ve been loving this pallet this month it’s great for I think, adding a little bit of something,to jazz up my everyday makeup look. One of the colours I’ve been particularly liking is half baked. I’ve also just discovered how much I love using the colour busted for my brows as its really pigmented and great for shaping and filling them in. It’s been a must have for me this month.

Favourite clothing item of the month:

Flannel shirts

Flannels are really a must have item for me but I recently picked up some new ones and I swear you won’t see me without one on nowadays, they’re like a staple piece for my fashion at the moment. I mean they’re great to just throw on and they’re also lighter than a jacket now that it’s getting warmer.

Favourite tv show of the month:

This shouldn’t even be a question this month it’s obviously Game of Thrones, I mean how can it not be? Every week they’re taking new exciting plot twists that fans never see coming. I don’t want to spoil it too much but seriously every week I’m counting down the days until the next episode.

Favourite book of the month:

Dorothy must die series

This month I’ve been really enjoying the Dorothy must die series by Danielle Paige it’s such a fun twist on an old classic. I never thought I would be hating on fairytale characters but this book really makes you reconsider how you view them. Really great read that I would highly recommend to people.

Favourite movie of the month:

This month I finally saw X men apocalypse after months of waiting for it and, I loved it so much, it was great revisiting old characters and meeting new ones such as Jubilee (even though she didn’t have much screen time and we didn’t see her powers) and Psylocke.

Favourite food/drink of the month:

Frozen Lemonade

Three words, frozen strawberry lemonade. McDonalds have just added this along with some other drinks back in their summer McCafe menu and I got so excited when I saw them as I was addicted to them last year as well. I swear I have an addiction, I’ve been drinking 1 or 2 of these a week which is so not good for me but I just love them so much.



Let me know what some of your favourites have been and also if you have any suggestions of other categories you’d like me to do for next month comment them as I love hearing your suggestions.

Until next time

Flying off

The Girl in the Witches Hat

5 Fun Ways to Exercise!

Summer is just around the corner which means fun in the sun but it can be heard to stay healthy and motivated to keep active so here are 5 fun different ways to exercise and spice up your workout life!

1. Rollerblading- Rollerblading can be a fun alternative way to work out unlike regular outdoor aerobic exercises such as jogging and helps work out muscles such as hamstrings and quadriceps. Just to be safe though I would recommend to wear protective gear when rollerblading to help prevent injury. So grab your skates and friends and start now!

2. Cycling- Cycling is a great activity to try out with friends and family and it also allows you to do exercise while exploring new treks and routes each time. Cycling is a low impact way to workout which helps improve leg strength and loose body fat. If you decide to go on long rides be sure to stay well hydrated and to always wear a helmet. Try it out now and work out and feel good.

Exercise equipment
3. Skateboarding- Skateboarding is a exciting workout to try out, even if your not a professional skateboarder who’s down at the skate park, it’s a great alternative to exercise for everyone to try. Skateboarding offers a full body workout as you are using all aspects of your body such as arms, leg and core when skating. Make sure you wear protective gear however to help prevent injury especially if your not at a gated area such as a park. So grab your board and start skating you never know you might be good at it.

Hula hooping
4. Hula hooping- Bring out your inner child and try out hula hooping, a fun addictive exercise that may seem childish but trust me it’s so fun when you doing it. Also it’s a great way to exercise your leg, arm and core muscles especially if you buy a weighted one. You can even invite friends and family over and try having competitions for who can do it for the longest, its super fun and super easy to do.

5. Yoga- Though it may seem challenging, it is the perfect time to start trying it out because not only is it great for improving muscle toning and strength which is great for right before summer but it is also good for flexibility. Also as it is starting to get warmer we are more likely to be limber so it is therefore easier to do certain positions and poses. Also why not get a tan when working out?! So roll out your matts whether that be down at the beach, in your garden or down at the local park.

With all these exercises make sure to stretch before and use/wear appropriate gear when needed. Also stay well hydrated as summers coming which means it’s going to be hot, hot, hot! Hope these were some helpful ideas to help you keep motivated and active and let me know what your favourite workouts are to do !

Until next time

Flying off

The Girl with the Witches Hat

My Fandom Jewellery Collection

Over time I have accumulated a lot of fandom based jewellery, so for todays post I thought I would share it with you. Let me know some of your favourite fandom jewellery that you have, because its always fun to see new unique pieces.

The first part is purely Harry Potter based because well, I have a problem.

Okay now moving onto the non Harry Potter section.

Until next time

Flying off

The Girl with the Witches Hat

12 Series’s to welcome You to the YA world of reading

These are some of my recommendations that I think will help welcome you to the wide world of YA reading, let me know what some of you favourite series’s are to read as I always love hearing new recommendations.

1. Every book by John greenbook 1Because let’s not lie they’re all amazing.

2. Vampire academy series by Richelle Mead

3. Hush hush Series by Becca Fitzpatrickbook 9

4. Throne of Glass Trilogy by Sarah J Massbook 8

5. The Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra Clare-This series is amazing and one of my personal favourites so I would highly recommend it.

6. The Selection Series by Kiera Cress

7.The Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Rothbook 3

8. The Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyerbook 4These books are an old classic that were one of my first reads in the YA genre.

9. The 5th Wave Trilogy by Rick Yancey book 6

10. The Uglies Series by Scott Westerfeld

11. The Maze Runner by James Dashnerbook 5

12. Anna and the French Kiss Trilogy by Stephanie Perkins- This series is such a fun and easy read, I actually purchased the others on my kindle because I couldn’t wait to read them!book 2

Until next time

Flying off

The girl with the Witches Hat


The 10 Stages of Studying for an Exam

Step 1: Firstly you contemplate starting to revise, but in reality end up procrastinating for 4 hours watching pointless videos on YouTube that have absolutely no impact on your life or your studying.

 Step 2: After this you finally force yourself to get offline and start revising.

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Step 3: Next you spend at least 20 minutes trying to find your prettiest stationary, because if you have to revise it might as well look nice.

Step 4: After this you open up the appropriate textbooks for your subject and start reading because you might as well get it over with so you can get back to your procrastinating.

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Step 5: Highlight everything you don’t understand (basically everything)

Step 6: Get bored after 5 minutes so decide to procastinate some more and make a study time schedule

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Step 7: Listen to sad music and cry because you realise there’s never gonna be enough time to learn all of this.

Step 8: Hate on society and everyone in it because you realise you shouldn’t be put under so much pressure.

Step 9: Hate on yourself because you realise your dumb, know nothing and never will.

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Step 10: Realise you’ve just wasted another day and accept that you’re gonna fail your exams.

This is definantly me when studying for exams and I hope it was relatable for you too,  good luck to everyone doing their exams at the moment !

Until next time

Flying off

The Girl with the Witches Hat