12 Series’s to welcome You to the YA world of reading

These are some of my recommendations that I think will help welcome you to the wide world of YA reading, let me know what some of you favourite series’s are to read as I always love hearing new recommendations.

1. Every book by John greenbook 1Because let’s not lie they’re all amazing.

2. Vampire academy series by Richelle Mead

3. Hush hush Series by Becca Fitzpatrickbook 9

4. Throne of Glass Trilogy by Sarah J Massbook 8

5. The Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra Clare-This series is amazing and one of my personal favourites so I would highly recommend it.

6. The Selection Series by Kiera Cress

7.The Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Rothbook 3

8. The Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyerbook 4These books are an old classic that were one of my first reads in the YA genre.

9. The 5th Wave Trilogy by Rick Yancey book 6

10. The Uglies Series by Scott Westerfeld

11. The Maze Runner by James Dashnerbook 5

12. Anna and the French Kiss Trilogy by Stephanie Perkins- This series is such a fun and easy read, I actually purchased the others on my kindle because I couldn’t wait to read them!book 2

Until next time

Flying off

The girl with the Witches Hat


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